NHibernate in Action

NHibernate in Action

作者: Pierre Henri Kuaté Christian Bauer Gavin King Tobin Harris
出版社: Manning
出版在: None
ISBN-13: 9781932394924
ISBN-10: 1932394923
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 400 頁


In the classic style of Manning's "In Action" series, NHibernate in Action shows .NET developers how to use the NHibernate Object/Relational Mapping tool. This book is a translation from Java to .NET, as well as an expansion, of Manning's bestselling Hibernate in Action. All traces of Java have been carefully replaced by their .NET equivalents. The book shows how to implement complex business objects, and later teaches advanced techniques like caching and session management. Readers will discover how to implement persistence in a .NET application, and how to configure NHibernate to specify the mapping information between business objects and database tables. Readers will also be introduced to the internal architecture of NHibernate by progressively building a complete sample application using Agile methodologies.


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